SQLite.Net.Platform (and sqlite-net-extensions) for Windows Phone 8.1

Issue #44 resolved
john_dev created an issue

Hi and thanks for the great library,

When I want to create a SQLiteConnection, it needs a SQLite.Net.Platform as a parameter that the library is not supported in Windows Phone 8.1 yet. So the "sqlite-net-extensions" not working in Windows Phone 8.1 either.

Is there any workaround?

Thank you in Advance.

Comments (4)

  1. 語祥 洪

    Hi, I want to ask if I am not using the non-PCL version. Which project should I include in?

    螢幕快照 2015-02-15 下午1.38.24.png 螢幕快照 2015-02-15 下午1.38.47.png

    Is the "MvvmCross" project under SQLiteNetExtensions to include in? Sorry for any dumb question, and thanks for any help!

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