Transient Property

Issue #49 closed
john_dev created an issue


I want a Transient property to have properties in my class that sqlite-net don't create them (fields from them) or map them in the database.

public string OnlyForTheClass { get; set; }

Is there any Transient property available?

Comments (3)

  1. Guillermo GutiƩrrez

    Hy John, please ask these kind of questions in StackOverflow using sqlite-net-extensions tag to keep the issue tracker clean.

    This question is not related to SQLite-Net Extensions either.

    Have you tried using the [Ignore] attribute?

  2. john_dev reporter

    Thank you. The [Ignore] attribute works.

    Sorry for the post. I will post my issues in the StackOverflow with the Tag you've mentioned.

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