Async extension methods within a transaction?

Issue #61 resolved
Bill Fulton created an issue

Is it possible, in a transaction, to use SQLITE async extension methods such as InsertOrReplaceWithChildrenAsync?

The following is disallowed and directs us to use SQLiteConnection instead:

await db.RunInTransactionAsync ( ( SQLite.Net.Async.SQLiteAsyncConnection tran ) =>

However with the following, tran offers only sync methods:

await db.RunInTransactionAsync ( ( SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection tran ) => { var x = new X(); tran.Insert (x); var y = new Y(); tran.Insert (y); });

Comments (3)

  1. Guillermo Gutiérrez

    Due to the nature of SQLite.Net async, only synchronous operations are supported inside a transaction. Otherwise, any failed operation between the begin and the end of the transaction may make the transaction to rollback even when the operation was not inside the transaction block.

    This is not a SQLite-Net Extensions limitation, but a SQLite.Net one. You can still access to all SQLite-Net Extensions synchronous operations, like InsertOrReplaceWithChildren.

  2. Guillermo Gutiérrez

    You are missing using SQLiteNetExtensions.Extensions; for the synchronous operations in SQLiteConnection.

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