Using ObservableCollection and ObservableCollection derived types in One to Many relationships

Issue #77 new
Panagiotis Stathopoulos created an issue

First of all thanks for the library! You mention that in OneToMany relationships only List and Arrays are supported.

"One-to-many relationships currently support List and Array of entities. They might be used indistinctly."

However I successfully use an ObservableCollection in a One to Many relationship, and I have not noticed any issues at all. Is this expected?

However, when I try to use a Class derived from ObservableCollection, I get a compilation error, something that I would not expect, given that the ObservableCollection seems to working correctly. Is there a way to use a ObservableCollection derived type, or I should not use an ObservableCollection at all?

Thanks in advance

Comments (1)

  1. Rich Seviora

    Can you include some of the relevant code? While ObserveableCollection One to Many relations will compile for me, but they will fail as expected once they're used. PR #12 is open to support objects implementing lList.

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