Old autorun workflow selection can break save buttons

Issue #117 closed
Dave Lebbing created an issue

If the selection for "Automatically run workflow" no longer exists and the checkbox for this is unchecked, rechecking the box will result in the save to volume and save to dmg buttons no longer working. No warning or other response happens when clicking either button. Unchecking the autorun checkbox or changing the autorun workflow selected restores the save button response.

Comments (7)

  1. Dave Lebbing reporter

    Steps to replicate:

    1. Create a new workflow and select it for autorun
    2. Uncheck autorun checkbox
    3. Delete new workflow
    4. Check autorun checkbox
    5. Click Save To Volume

    If autorun checkbox is checked when the workflow is deleted, autorun select-list will revert to "Please Select...". If autorun checkbox is unchecked when workflow is deleted, however, it remains in the select-list.

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