FEATURE REQUEST: Rename the volume

Issue #120 closed
Thomas Labarre created an issue

It would be great if we could change the name of the volume "Macintosh HD"

Comments (7)

  1. timothy perfitt

    can you explain a bit more? If the drive is named "Macintosh HD", it is kept that way. Do you want to force it to be Macintosh HD?

  2. Thomas Labarre reporter

    I manage a fleet of 700 macs (every products, every generation past 10 years). My way is to change the name of boot volume. All my computers boot volume are named Systeme. So I try to to a script with diskutil rename / Systeme, but it didn't do the job. I would like to reproduce the same pattern of personalised configuration I do with AutoDMG

  3. Thomas Labarre reporter

    I get 2 issues: 1- Rename volume did't stay enable has it does when I set it and I return in the menu Rename_Volume_didnt_save.gif

    2- I'm back from a workflo 1.4, but change every options, and when I want to launch from recovery, i get error

    #!.../run: line 64: ...../Deploy/Applications/Imagr.app/Contents/MacOS/Imagr 2>&1 | grep -v com.apple.ViewBridge.plist: no such file or directory

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