Config.plist missing packages path for some workflow combinations

Issue #126 closed
Dave Lebbing created an issue

v1.5 build 10862

Two scenarios were encountered in which it appears that a packages path should have been written to config.plist but was not.

  1. Erase and install macOS, add a scripts folder to Resources panel.

  2. Erase and install macOS, leave Resources panel blank, add user on User Account panel, then add all options from Options panel.

Comments (3)

  1. Dave Lebbing reporter

    Issue still present in build 10964. Some configurations result in PreOS-Packages folder being created but no reference to it is added to config.plist when it currently has no active content at time of Save to Volume.

  2. timothy perfitt

    what settings? You can zip up and attach exported workflows so I can easily replicated the settings.

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