use workflow to erase volume in Imagr 1.4.2

Issue #13 closed
timothy perfitt created an issue

jonathan [10:00 AM] Oh i saw some bash in the workflow, but that was a few version ago now. i think it was diskutil reformat {{target_volume}} tperfitt [10:02 AM] i did see that but didn’t use it since i don’t think this was implemented: Coming in 1.4.2: Setting the eraseVolume format to auto_hfs_or_apfs will detect the format of the selected volume (HFS+ or APFS) and erase it using the same format. Allowing for a single eraseVolume for mixed deployments, i.e. on SSD, HDD, and Fusion Drive. For use with startosinstall.

ah, 1.4.2 is the most recent i’ll switch over to that

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