Let script run when workflow runs

Issue #145 closed
allenpu created an issue

Can I run a script at the same time as the workflow starts?As the package function.

Comments (21)

  1. timothy perfitt

    Not currently. Can you give me an idea of how this is going to be used so I can understand it better?

  2. allenpu reporter

    Because I need to run a sh script at the beginning of the workflow, collect the model, serial number and other information to send another web server database to save.

  3. timothy perfitt

    This is now implemented. If you mark a script as running when the workflow runs, I think it will do as you expect. If so, please close this bug. Please test in 1.6 or later.

  4. 蒲小龙

    I just tested it and it seems that it has not been implemented. In the Resources settings page - “Specify a folder containing scripts to run on the target Mac”- did not find the ability to set 'When running workflow'

  5. Christian Behrens

    When can we expect to see this implemented? I could also use this functionality to whitelist kernel extensions, which I have currently added to the “run” script, e.g. “/usr/sbin/spctl kext-consent add ABCDEFGHIJ”.

  6. Tomas Wallentinus

    I have an workflow where this would be great.

    I want to install Boot Runner as one of the apps, but then I will need to disable sip for nvram. Right now I would have to type the command in recovery before running the workflow. But if you could specify the script to run before the reboot there is less interactions to get things done.

  7. Tomas Wallentinus

    I tried it now but get the error “Couldn’t copy script 1.0” if I retry “script 2.0” and so on.

  8. timothy perfitt

    @Dave Lebbing , can you verify the issue on a test laptop and give it to me to troubleshoot?

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