The file “” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file.

Issue #161 closed
Kamal Taynaz created an issue

Hi Folks,

When testing mds 1.6 beta, I get this when trying to save the workflow to disk image "The file “” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file."

Let me know if you more info.

Thanks, Kamal

Comments (7)

  1. Kamal Taynaz reporter

    Tested PreBeta-MDS_Build-12123_Version-1.7 and got the same. Is it not downloading imagr?

  2. Kamal Taynaz reporter

    I noticed that imagr_url in ~/Library/Preferences/com.twocanoes.MacDeployStick.plist had no value. Is this the default?

    Adding this url "" didn't make a difference.

    Thanks, Kamal

  3. Kamal Taynaz reporter

    so, doing some more digging, it seems that the download is working, is getting download and extracted to ~/Library/Application Support/com.twocanoes.macdeploystick however, it stays for a few seconds, and then disappears.

    playing with more, i noticed that, if the finder window is in the forefront, the cache hang around and does not disappear, but as soon as MDS is clicked on and it is in the forefront, then the cache disappears again.

    Very bizarre

  4. timothy perfitt

    When MDS starts up, it looks up in a plist on an AWS bucket what the current version that imagr should be. If that lookup fails, it defaults back to what is specified internally. That value wasn't updated in the last build, but it shouldn't cause this issue. I check the older version plists and they seem correct.

    Please try this build and see if it resolves the issue:


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