MDS 1.8 Imagr app terminating

Issue #186 closed
Tony Caldanaro created an issue

Attaching photo. This started this morning.

Comments (7)

  1. timothy perfitt

    please check in PreBeta-MDS_Build-14676_Version-1.8.dmg or later and see if it still occurs.

  2. Hergit Stringa Account Deactivated

    Thank you! The 1.7 I tried this morning worked great. Will try 1.8 as well.

  3. Tony Caldanaro reporter

    Thanks for fixing this! Imagr no longer failing. Able to run workflows as before. One new issue though… now not being prompted for computer name.

    Thanks, Tony Caldanaro

  4. timothy perfitt

    thanks for reporting that it worked. Please see if the computer name works in the current build of 1.8 and file an additional issue if it is still broken (it shouldn’t be).

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