Show warning when saving master for syncing if resources not available

Issue #207 closed
Dave Lebbing created an issue

v1.8 build 15012

When saving a master for syncing, if a workflow’s resources are on an external drive that is currently not available, there is no warning shown that the master saved will be missing content. It would be helpful to show a warning if any of the workflows reference a file path that is not currently available.

Comments (7)

  1. timothy perfitt

    I think we get this for free now that I added in an error dialog for rsync. Please verify in 15046 or later.

  2. Dave Lebbing reporter
    • changed status to open

    Tested with 18051 but saw no change. Workflow had erase and install macOS, no content in Resources panel, create one user, skip setup.

  3. Dave Lebbing reporter

    Build 18051: Tested saving a master for syncing with a workflow with just erase and install macOS, then separately with a workflow that just installs packages on Resources panel. With external drive disconnected, MDS reported saving master successfully and did not show expected warning for missing content on disconnected external drive.

    Also tested saving master for syncing with external drive connected and MDS reported failure due to finding no active workflows even though workflow was marked as active.

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