Preferences Logging panel mislabels control for web server port

Issue #256 closed
Dave Lebbing created an issue

v1.9 build 19073

Preferences panel for Logging contains the control for web server port but this control is mistakenly listed as Web Logging Server Port. The control instead is what changes the port for “Serve images over HTTP from folder”.

It might be worth considering to remove the “Connect to WiFi”, “Serve images”, and “Serve Munki” checkboxes from the main window and moving these instead to the Preferences panels. Then maybe add a button to the main window marked as “Workflow Options” that opens preferences to make this more discoverable.

Comments (4)

  1. Dave Lebbing reporter
    • changed status to open

    Regression in build 20252 for labeling of "Logging Web Server Port" in preferences.

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