Issues with scripts and profiles

Issue #269 closed
Dave Lebbing created an issue

v1.9 build 19101

When a workflow does not install macOS, sample scripts and profiles do not appear to work when set as “before packages”. None of the expected script results are observed. Profiles do not show as being installed. If the same workflow is changed to set these items as “after packages” then all appear to succeed.

Comments (8)

  1. timothy perfitt

    seems to work as expected. Run a script that is run in recovery that has "csrutil disable" in it and verify that SIP is disabled when complete.

  2. Dave Lebbing reporter

    Running a workflow that only has scripts set to run with “before” option and restart option unchecked, saw the script successfully run but machine appears to have run the script a second time at first boot and then restarted again afterward. Config xml is below:

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