Munki configuration problem on High Sierra

Issue #280 on hold
Dave Lebbing created an issue

v1.9 build 19113

When running a workflow that installs High Sierra, installs Munki Tools, and configures Munki, there will be a error message shown when first opening Managed Software Center stating that there is a problem with Munki configuration. Opening Terminal and running “managedsoftwareupdate” will fix the configuration problem and allow Managed Software Center to succeed. This issue was not observed when running a similar workflow that instead installed Mojave.

Inspecting Munki configuration in Terminal using “managedsoftwareupdate --show-config” showed a change in configuration before vs. after running “managedsoftwareupdate”. For the fields below the values before running “managedsoftwareupdate” were missing the initial “u” unicode indicator.

ClientIdentifier: u'' [/Library/Preferences/ManagedInstalls.plist]
FollowHTTPRedirects: u'none' [/Library/Preferences/ManagedInstalls.plist]
PackageVerificationMode: u'hash' [/Library/Preferences/ManagedInstalls.plist]

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