Setting computer name in version 1.9

Issue #289 closed
Tony Caldanaro created an issue

I have jamf bootstrap only workflow (no macOS install) and using "Prompt" to set computer name is working with MDS 1.8. In version 1.9 however, it is prompting for the computer name but it is not being set. See issue #158 for similar request. Fixing in version 2.0 instead would also work as I am testing that. BTW adding DEP is awesome!

Thanks in advance for fixing.


Comments (8)

  1. Tony Caldanaro reporter

    Naming seems to be working in MDS 2.0 (20012). Will test again with build 20016 and confirm.

  2. Tony Caldanaro reporter

    Spoke to soon. Computer naming is NOT working in version 2.0 either. Thanks in advance for handling.

  3. timothy perfitt

    can you give more information? We test this feature and it works for us. Please provide the steps to replicate the issue.

  4. Dave Lebbing

    Tested build 20069 and it worked as expected. Workflow did not install macOS, only set Options panel for Prompt to Set Computer Name.

  5. Tony Caldanaro reporter

    Sorry - forgot to follow up. Naming has been working for the last few 2.0 builds. Currently using build 20054. Will try latest build 20069 today. Should be fine. Thanks!!

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