MDM invalid Certificate

Issue #299 closed
Eugene Myburgh created an issue

Good day
I've been testing the MDM feature in MDS ( loving it ) but came across a few issues , and this might be on my side and if so , kindly advice what I can do to resolve it.

I have followed the youtube video that was created on how to setup the MDM side of MDS and had no issues to get all my services green 💚 💚 💚

Server = Macmini running Mojave 10.14.6 also have installed

Enrolling a device - macOS High Sierra and Mojave

When I click on the “Open the enrolment page“ on the “server “it opens without any issues
but opening the same page on a different device I get an error (Image01)
then changing from the server hostname to IP address I get (Image02)
when I click in Visit site, im able to get to the site and enrolled the device successfully

if it's the self assigned certificate I create in MDS preferences could I have done something wrong?

I have not tested the DEP and im afraid it will fail

Enrolling a device - Catalina

Same as above but can't install the profile


Kind regards


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