Reset language/keyboard settings when running

Issue #376 closed
Christian Behrens created an issue

As we have many machines that are running in other languages, it would be very advantageous if the keyboard and language settings could be removed from NVRAM by MDS. Otherwise, it will keep those and apply them for a new user that’s being created, and when a different keyboard layout is set that you’re not familiar with (e.g. Czech or even French), it will be impossible to login, even when the password is known.

Comments (5)

  1. Christian Behrens reporter

    Actually, I found that because my test machine is currently running with a German keyboard setting, the command programmed into the Arduino didn’t work, as the slashes were translated as hyphens, and as such my image was never run from the server (http--). So I guess it’s really necessary to always start up with an EN keyboard settings, if that is at all possible…

  2. Christian Behrens reporter

    These are the settings I added to the script that makes sure my user is created with en_US language settings:

    # set language settings to en_US

    defaults write /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences AppleLanguages -array en
    defaults write /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences AppleLocale en_US

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