Download macOS should filter for versions available to the current environment

Issue #378 closed
Dave Lebbing created an issue

build 20119

MacOS versions older than the version currently running will error out when they finish downloading. It could be better if MDS filtered out download options that were expected to do this.

Comments (6)

  1. Ray Fleischmann

    Does “version currently running” mean the version of the box that is running MDS? I run MDS on 10.15 and 10.14 but still need to create workflows for 10.13-10.9 boxes.

  2. Dave Lebbing reporter

    There was some belief that it may not be possible for some versions of macOS to successfully download and prepare the installer for some other versions of macOS made available from the Apple service used by the Download macOS feature. However this is uncertain. If any aspect of it is true, it would be good if MDS could warn the user when selecting anything in the Download macOS panel that may not work.

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