Automaton not working correctly when keyboard layout set to a different language

Issue #383 resolved
Christian Behrens created an issue

I’m using the pre-beta build 20119, and noticed that an Automaton will not work correctly if the keyboard language is set to a different language, like in my test case German (DE). The slashes in my webserver address (/) get converted to hyphens (-), causing the process to fail.

Comments (4)

  1. Christian Behrens reporter

    With the new firmware in PreBeta-MDS_Build-210015, this seems to be working correctly now. Does the firmware address this issue, or is my first test a fluke?

  2. Christian Behrens reporter

    I was wrong; I changed the language, but not the keyboard setting, which is why it worked initially. Having changed the keyboard setting as well, the commands sent from the Automaton are still coming with incorrect characters, and thus fail, so not resolved yet.

  3. timothy perfitt

    fixed in 21852 or later. Automaton now has a option to set the language to english via a menu in recovery.

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