Feature Request: Allow pre/post install scripts.

Issue #45 closed
Kevin Brady created an issue

Basically looking for something like the pre/post-install inside packages. I have some scripts I'd like to run before the packages fire off, and some after. Of course I can turn the script into a package, but since you've already added a script folder...

Alternately, allow scripts and packages to alphabetize together, such that 01-script would run before 02-package, then 03-script, etc.

Our convo from the MacAdmin Slack: kmbrady [11:09 AM] I don’t think this is in MDS, but here’s a Feature Request: a way to run some scripts before the packages and some after. Or alternately some way to order them all so they run in a particular sequence.

tperfitt [11:10 AM] they run in alphabetical order, so just put numbers in front of them

kmbrady [11:10 AM] all the scripts and packages? so 01-script comes before 02-package?

tperfitt [11:11 AM] no, the scripts and packages are separate so the packages are alpha, then the scripts in alpha

kmbrady [11:11 AM] yes, so that’s my request. I have some scripts I’d like to run before the packages, and some after. I mean I can just turn the script into a package, too.

tperfitt [11:12 AM] interesting.

kmbrady [11:12 AM] just an idea 😉

Comments (5)

  1. Kevin Brady reporter

    Basically my idea for our deployment is that I run a couple scripts at the start that would prompt for the computer name and credentials to bind to AD. Then run all packages, then a few scripts for settings/profiles and for licensing some of the installed apps.

    I want the scripts to run at the start so the tech doesn't need to babysit the installer. He boots to recovery, launches MDS, fills in the prompts and then walks away as everything installs.

    I don't think this is high priority or anything, just an idea. I can do the same thing (I think) by wrapping the script up in a package and set that package to run first.

  2. kuyker Account Deactivated

    I would like to see something like this as well. I enjoy using brew and would like to be able to install brew via a script first, and then use it to install various applications. This would help keep the size of the DMG down as well. Right now I do not see a way to fire off scripts in a specific order, and it would be nice to have this functionality.

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