MDS 3.0 (30058) GUI nit picking

Issue #452 resolved
Ray Fleischmann created an issue

On the Security panel the “Create New Self Signed Cerfificate…” is missing the top line of the box.

Yes it is a nit. It just needs a little more height to make it “Perfitt” 🙂

Comments (6)

  1. Ray Fleischmann reporter

    For Build (30070) I'm adding another GUI nit. This is on the Main Micro MDM screen. The "More Info" for "MDM Push Certificate" is showing UNDER the "Initial MDM Profile" description. PLUS Both "More Info" OVER LAP the text at certain panel resizes. Stretch it longer yourself and you will see. On this screen capture the "More Info" "Device Enrollment" is overlapped by the description. When I shrink the panel it is OK again. Yes I know... Nit Nit Nit ..

  2. Ray Fleischmann reporter

    Tim, my Nit about (30070 regarding the “More Info” is in the wrong description. It points to ::https//

    The “More Info” needs to be moved to the top description.

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