Sidebar - CounterBadge should become negative when line selected (like the icon and the text)

Issue #459 open
pexner created an issue

Sidebar - CounterBadge should become negative when line selected (like the icon and the text)

Comments (8)

  1. pexner reporter

    Mail is different, because the highlight-color is not the system-highlight color, but Mail’s own color. Mail’s icons in the sidebar even don’t inverse too.

    I know why it is like this:
    Because the “real” highlight-color is used in the messages list, not in the sidebar.

    So, either we change the highlight-color and keep the icons positive, or we make the counter badge negative.

    What happens then in DarkMode?

    I find negative icons and badge nicer.

  2. timothy perfitt

    I am not seeing it. It looks completely fine and nice to me. Can we agree that it is fine? 😉

  3. pexner reporter
    • changed status to open

    The only one not correct is the selected one in light-mode. The counter badge should always have the same color as the text to be visible.

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