Remote Log - port blocked

Issue #472 resolved
pexner created an issue

Looking at Remote Log Viewer: Status: ON

Switching the big green button to OFF → ERROR message: Port 8080 is used.

How’s this possible?

Then, when switching OFF the webservice which uses port 8080, I’m able to switch ON the Remote Log Viewer.

Port conflicts? Preferences for port missing for Remote Log Viewer?

Comments (3)

  1. timothy perfitt

    check web services to see if you have a service running on 8080. These are different services.They probably should be the same. Please file a bug on that issue if you agree.

  2. pexner reporter
    • changed status to open

    There's definately a conflict. Remote Log Viewer complains that port 8080 is used. My MDS-http repo is running on 8080. Folder listing works via http. Then I remove the Web Service on port 8080, Remote Log viewer Service can't be activated anyway. It's still complaining.

    Bug 2: The Remote Log Service and it's port can't be seen or changed in Web Services.

    Missing: Remote Log Viewer is a service, like the Web Services or munki. It has a big ON/OFF button in it’s window. So, it needs a green/gray status bullet in the sidebar also.

    Further test:

    Remote Log Viewer service is OFF in the GUI.

    List open ports with:

    netstat -Watnlv | grep LISTEN | awk '{"ps -o comm= -p " $9 | getline procname;colred="\033[01;31m";colclr="\033[0m"; print cred "proto: " colclr $1 colred " | addr.port: " colclr $4 colred " | pid: " colclr $9 colred " | name: " colclr procname;  }' | column -t -s "|"


    proto: tcp46    addr.port: *.8082             pid: 766     name: /usr/sbin/httpd

    proto: tcp46    addr.port: *.8881             pid: 766     name: /usr/sbin/httpd

    proto: tcp46    addr.port: *.80               pid: 766     name: /usr/sbin/httpd

    proto: tcp46    addr.port: *.8080             pid: 681     name: /Applications/

    proto: tcp4     addr.port: *.8080             pid: 681     name: /Applications/

    It clearly shows that port 8080 is in use by MDS, even though It’s OFF in the GUI.

  3. timothy perfitt

    fixed in 30087 or later, though i don't check for a used port. I use better defaults and check if the port is already used.

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