Correct/harmonize buttons below lists

Issue #482 open
pexner created an issue

Please reposition, resize and harmonise all buttons below all lists (see attached mockup)

Workflow -> main
Workflow -> User Account
MicroMDM -> Devices ([-] and [refresh])
MicroMDM -> Settings -> Configure MDM Profile -> User Accounts
Web Service -> main
MunkiReport -> Users (why is the table row so high?)

Comments (4)

  1. pexner reporter
    • changed status to open

    Sorry, but the "Space-filler" | "Fake button" is missing. Makes it look much better.

    And make these button slightly higer, so that the “+” and “-” in the buttons are centered and the buttons squared.

  2. pexner reporter

    And below MicroMDM -> Devices is still missing. Please add the “refresh” thingy inside a button like the “-” button.

    Or use a normal button and name it “Refresh”. 🙂

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