Automatic enrollment (DEP) not working

Issue #553 new
Loïc created an issue

I have configured microMDM and set up DEP like shown in the Youtube Video and restarted MDS with all indicators turning green. I assinged 2 Devices/Serials to the new MDM Server in Apple Business Manager.
One of this two devices was already enrolled but the other wasn’t and then appeared after refreshing the device list. So communication with Apple DEP should be working.
Unfortunately they did not automatically enroll during a “normal” setup and are just left unenrolled.

I also edited and updated the new enrollment profile after adding the serials to the MDM Server in Business Manager.

I used the local machine name for the mdm server URL as in the youtube video. May that be the reason, e.g. do I have to use a public domain to reach the server? The MDM server and the used Macs are in the same network, so opening the https://mdm-server.local/mdm/enroll works.

The error message I get in the Logs is as following:

level=info component=depsync msg="DEP sync" more=false cursor=MDowOjE1OTIzXXX4NTM5NDE6XXX5MjkyMTEzMDk1MTp0cnVlOjE1OTIzXXX4NTM5NDE fetched=2020-06-17T09:40:53Z devices=2
level=debug msg="updating devices from DEP" device_count=2
level=info component=depsync err="assign profile: unexpected dep response. status=404 DEP API Error: PROFILE_NOT_FOUND" msg="auto-assign error assigning serials to profile" profile=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX…

When updating the enrollment profile, there seems to be no issues.

The main reason we need DEP, is because without a devices serial number being assigned to a mdm server through DEP, a user that singed in and activated “find my …” on a device and we then wipe it after return, it asks for the users apple ID credentials or the last device password to get into recovery mode which isn’t really an option for automation.

Any help or suggestions on how to handle this would be much appreciated!

Thanks and best regards, Loïc

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