mdm sorting

Issue #564 resolved
Brandon Walter created an issue

My grouping of machines is getting pretty large now. It would be nice if the following features could be added:

  1. Sort machines in MicroMDM interface by column
  2. Remember Column position. If you move UDID to the right of Computer Name it won’t remember it’s positioning if you leave the MicroMDM window and will reset to UDID as first position.
  3. Ability to create groups of machines.

Comments (4)

  1. timothy perfitt

    I did #1 and #2. Punting on the last one because I am not sure what the groupings would be for. Would it be for applying policy/apps/commands as a group? Please verify #1 and #2 and then refile #3 as its own if you still want added.

    How about if I added tags and a filter box? Then you could sort / find arbitrary devices and apply to them.

  2. Brandon Walter reporter

    #1 and #2 are working! 🙂

    as for tags/folders. it would be nice to either tag the group of machines or place them in folders so I could then easily sort the group and send a profile/apps/commands to that group. I’ll create a new ticket.

  3. Brandon Walter reporter

    Just noticed that the sorting is sorting first by Uppercase then Lowercase. For instance…


    They aren’t mixed together like this…


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