MicroMDM Config Buttond Grayed Out

Issue #575 resolved
Ray Fleischmann created an issue

In Version 3.5 (35119) the MicroMDM Config buttons are still grayed out even though it is unlocked and started???

Comments (13)

  1. timothy perfitt

    I just replicated it, i think. If i change the hostname to an invalid hostname, it keys the buttons grayed out. I removed the check on the last button so if you click on it, it will open a browser and you can check the url.

  2. Ray Fleischmann reporter

    REALLY IS RESOLVED... Steps take. 1. In System Preferences > Sharing > Computer changed to my global DNS name not to the LOCAL name. 2. Used Apple's "Server" App to recreate Push Notification Certificate with new name. This may NOT be necessary because the Apple Push Notification portal still shows the local name. 3. Used MDS “Configure MDM” button to generate the MDS-MicroMDM Token. 4. Created in Apple School manager an MDM token for my MDS MicroMDM server importing the token created in MDS-MicroMDM and exporting the Apple generated MDM token. 5. Imported the Apple generated MDM token into MDS MicroMDM. 6. Need to Stop/Restart MicroMDM services before “DEP Token” turned green.

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