Big Sur Setup assistant

Issue #599 resolved
Maren Loving created an issue

Skip Setup assistant does not work in Big Sur.

Comments (4)

  1. Loïc

    Having the same problem… setup assistant not skipped. Tested with MDS 3.6 (36240) and Big Sur 11.2 (20D64).

  2. Pico Mitchell

    I have run into the same problem, but it does seem to get skipped properly if you have MDS reboot after installing macOS and packages. This can be set in the “macOS” section of the Workflow sheet by turning on the “After installing macOS and packages:” checkbox and then choosing “Restart” from the dropdown menu next to that checkbox.

    With that setting turned on, you will still see the user setup screen for a moment, but then the Mac will restart and will properly not show the setup screen on that next boot.

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