FileVault encrypted machines need the drive erased to remove cached FV info

Issue #61 closed
Former user created an issue

If a machine to go thru the workflows is already encrypted with FileVault the full drive should be erased, not just the target volume, to remove any previous FileVault information. Right now only the target volume is erased. Upon reboot the machine stops at the Filevault unlock login with the previous users' accounts.

Comments (4)

  1. Eric Holtam

    This is complicated since the drive is not mounted when run from mds is run. The code to address detecting and possibly formatting the drive will need to happen by the run command or another script that is called by run.

  2. Eric Holtam

    I worked on detecting if the drive is FileVaulted (either APFS or CoreStorage) and alerting the user in the Terminal output that the drive should be erased first. I don't know if automatically formatting a drive is a good idea as detecting the right drive may not be easy/obvious if multiple drives are connected at the time. What I have so far is: APFS lists if FileVault is enabled for each volume. The output will contain "Yes" if it is. If the count of # of Yes's is > 1 then it detects that FileVault is enabled.

    CoreStorage has a value of "None" if the drive is not FileVault encrypted. If the output of that is NOT None then it is deemed that FileVault is detected.

    If the drive is APFS and not FileVaulted, CS and not FileVaulted, or not APFS nor CS then Imagr is launched.

        APFS_FV=$(/usr/sbin/diskutil apfs list | /usr/bin/awk '/FileVault:/ {print $NF}' | /usr/bin/grep -c Yes)
        CS_FV=$(/usr/sbin/diskutil cs list | /usr/bin/awk -F: '/Encryption Type/ {print $NF}' | awk '{$1=$1};1')
        if [[ $APFS_FV > 0 ]]
                echo "Disk is FileVaulted.  Erase the drive with Disk Utility and run again."
                #**************FILEVAULT ENABLED ON APFS*****************
        elif [[ ! -z $CS_FV ]] && [[ $CS_FV != None ]]
                echo "Disk is FileVaulted.  Erase the drive with Disk Utility and run again."
                #**************FILEVAULT ENABLED ON CORE STORAGE*********
            dir=$(echo $0 | /usr/bin/sed "s|/run$||")
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