Request: do not automatically select new packages

Issue #614 wontfix
Former user created an issue

When adding new packages to a folder that MDS reads from, it automatically selects the new packages for inclusion.

Would love to have the opposite functionality or even an option to toggle this functionality (i.e. manually select packages).

Every time a new package is dropped; when editing a workflow the package is automatically included even though the particular workflow don’t need that particular package. My workaround on this using different folders for different workflows causes packages being duplicated in the final output.

Comments (3)

  1. timothy perfitt

    reviewing this, it is by design. The original idea was that you could add in any items you wanted and they would be processed. I then added a way to specifically disable a package to be included. It is not optimal for how you are using it, but it is doing what it is supposed to do by design.

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