Option to clear saved wifi in NVRAM

Issue #630 new
Amanda W created an issue

Is it possible to have option to clear saved Wifi networks that may be saved in NVRAM? We use MDS to wipe/reload loaners shared among many students and staff members such that having those items not cleared isn’t ideal.

Edited that we use firmware passwords so I’m not sure this is possible 😕

thank you

Comments (7)

  1. timothy perfitt

    i think if the workflow has “erase and install”, i can safely assume that NVRAM is cleared first? That seems reasonable to me. Is that how your workflow is set up and will be sufficient?


  2. timothy perfitt

    this is more involved than i though since it has be run in recovery and both intel and m1 support updated. You can do in a workflow today by creating script that runs:

    nvram -d current-networks

    nvram -d preferred-networks

    and have the script run “when running workflows”. If that is sufficient, i’ll wait for upvotes and put it in the future update.

  3. Amanda W reporter

    we do use erase and install. having script that runs sounds like a plan vs having techs manually do nvram -c before launching MDS

  4. Amanda W reporter

    will let you know when I get a chance to test, that was Apple’s suggestion to clear NVRAM in recovery.

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