Imagr error: file path extension is incorrect.

Issue #81 closed
kuyker created an issue

First off, I cannot thank you enough for creating this piece of software as we've been trying to figure out a better way to image our suite of Macs ever since T.2 chips became an issue. Thank you very very much! MDS has been fantastic. That being said the later builds of MDS do cause me some issues.

I can run this workflow fine when using version 1.1 of MDS but when I use 1.4 to save the workflow to a volume and then run that work flow the following error is generated:

file:///Volumes/MDS/Deploy/Workflows/Fresh%Install/Packages doesn't end with either '.pkg' or '.dmg'

I'm then prompted to select the startup disk or reload the workflows.

The last message generated in terminal is:

Imagr[585:37267] Copying first boot pkg install tools No handlers could be found for logger "Imagr"

Now I wasn't sure if that pertains to the issue I get in the Imagr app but I wanted to provide it regardless.

All the best!

Comments (9)

  1. kuyker Account Deactivated reporter

    I have done nothing different other than install v1.4 to save the workflow to a usb drive. My packages and scripts are all the same (Actually using a few of the default scripts to test).

  2. timothy perfitt

    I forgot to update a plist on the internet that determines the version for Imagr. I just updated it. Can you try saving resources again? It should redownload version 1.5.3 of Imagr (bundle version 1019).

    If that doesn't work, can you try going to File->Clear Resource Cache and saving the resources again? This will force a new download.

  3. kuyker Account Deactivated reporter

    Performing steps suggested by Timothy Perfitt. Putting on hold until I am able to test again.

  4. kuyker Account Deactivated reporter

    So far so good, the computer is currently imaging and that error did not pop up this time!

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