Winclone Beta Discussion Forum SUGGESTIONS

Issue #59 new
Gabriel created an issue

Winclone Beta Discussion Forum SUGGESTIONS:

  1. Since the beta expires, it would be great to have a new version available before the expiration date.

2. As said before in other post, creating a new issue in this discussion forum posts it without the name of the sender. No warning is issued that a previous login is required to show the username. That should not happen.

3. The only way to login is to find a previous post of such user. Yet, that may be confusing. Once found, you must click to login.

4. When trying to login, it goes to Bitbucket via Atlassian, and reports that the username or password is incorrect, even when they are OK. You must click to reset password, receive message to reset and enter the very same credentials previously used (that did not work then), to work. That should not happen.

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