The welcome email message is not well styled

Issue #109 resolved
Enrico Piccini created an issue

Did you use the right html email template?

Comments (11)

  1. Enrico Piccini reporter

    OK, this problem is not solved. Andre said that We cannot see images through HTTP but only HTTPS but it's strange. I need to check it. We're using "Mailjet" service to send emails

  2. André Palma

    So I managed to make the images to disply on the emails. However this is not a working model for email. We should use an email template provider to do this.

    I'll mark this as solved but we will have than to create a task and address this issue properly.

  3. Enrico Piccini reporter
    • changed status to open

    Hi @andrefsp , I sent you a test email using our udemi template and it worked... I committed an update on UDEMI-UI branch (check out "udemi.html" in "static/templates/email" forlder

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