500 error during user profile patch

Issue #118 resolved
Enrico Piccini created an issue

Can you check please why I get 500 error sometimes when I try to update my user profile data?

Comments (7)

  1. André Palma

    Hi Enrico. That was a request done with an unreadable post. I can see the error here: http://logging.udemi.org:9000/udemi/udemi-dev/group/175/

    It sometimes happens and can be for several reasons. Packet loss on the public network for instance. What I can do It's to start handling those exceptions so you get a nicer error instead of 500.

  2. Enrico Piccini reporter

    @andrefsp Packet loss on amazon network? Wow :) This is not nice and it could be a problem in the future... but for now Yeah, return a nicer error so we are able to understand why.... Thanks

  3. André Palma

    This has been fixed. I've introduced nginx in front of uwsgi and it will now discard invalid requests nicely.

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