Related issue or policy of a stance

Issue #125 wontfix
Enrico Piccini created an issue

Hi Andre, I wanna understand how it works the related stance of a stance on the backend... If you look for example to a policy form, you can see a field called "Related issue" (link). The same if you go to action form, you can see "Related policy" (link).

How you are using this link to connect the 2 stance objects?

I'm asking this because it's not clear... for example: if I visit an action detail page, I can't see the related policy anywhere... Take a look: http://localhost:8000/action/view/4

@Brotrob From your side, how it should work?

Comments (2)

  1. Enrico Piccini reporter

    Related to this argument, I implemented a quick button to add a related policy or action (dee stance detail page)

  2. André Palma

    This has to be implemented in a different way. Asking a user to insert related content its not the way to go here as that should be a task delegated to the search index to figure out.

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