User cannot upload his profile picture yet

Issue #130 resolved
Robert Gerlach created an issue

Atm, the button does not work yet.

Comments (18)

  1. Enrico Piccini

    Well, we decided to automatically retrieve the user image via facebook only.... The manual upload of user profile image will be implemented in the next versions of Udemi

  2. André Palma

    @Brotrob Doing such thing in the right way its out of proportion for now. When we do an image service we can than do this properly.

    This is not a bug and so I'm closing this. I'll open a story in trello that we will address it once we have finally fix everything we had to fix.

  3. Enrico Piccini

    @andrefsp Is possibile to get the profile photo only for the users that uses facebook? Of course the profile photo upload will be implemented in the next release of Udemi

  4. Enrico Piccini

    Hi @andrefsp, to get the user facebook photo you need to call this facebook api and get "data.url" and save it to db


    200x200 is the size we need in our website

  5. André Palma

    This is now on dev and test. A user when connecting with facebook will get its profile picture from facebook.

    There is just the issue with current users to reconnect their facebook image but what will be finished soon.

    From the API prespective this is now finished.

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