If I raise an issue and fill in the Title on the home page, I have to fill it in again once the issue page loads

Issue #132 resolved
Robert Gerlach created an issue

if i am on the home page and type the title of an issue in the raise issue field, I'd assume that after I click on 'raise issue' and the new mask comes up, the previously typed title will automatically be in the issue mask.

This is not the case right now. I currently have to type the issue title twice.

Comments (4)

  1. Enrico Piccini

    @Brotrob This is strange... I just tried it and if I fill the title in homepage and then click the raise button, I'll redirected to a new page where I can see the same title I added in homepage... Are you sure that it didn't work for you?

  2. Robert Gerlach reporter

    I think i found out what the problem is. if I just have a single word as issue title, it works. if I have a long sentence, it does not work...

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