On test.udemi.org, I cannot see the Facebook login button

Issue #137 resolved
Robert Gerlach created an issue

See image

Comments (10)

  1. Enrico Piccini

    @Brotrob I cannot reproduce this problem... Can you try to clear your browser cache, please?

  2. Robert Gerlach reporter

    Despite clearing the cahe and images, the problem persists....can anyone else reproduce?

  3. Robert Gerlach reporter

    So i browser tested it:

    Chrome: not working Firefox: working Internet Explorer: not working

  4. Enrico Piccini

    I tried on Firefox 36 and Microsoft Edge but I see the Facebook button on both... It's very strange that you (Rob) cannot see it on test.udemi.org... Because I cannot reproduce it, I need that someone explain me the steps to reproduce it (included the browser version)

  5. André Palma

    This is definitely not a backend problem. Facebook allows the users to specify which button to use. That is essentially what we need to do here.

  6. Enrico Piccini

    Yeah, this is not a backend problem... The problem now is that I cannot reproduce it... @dwmarrs Can you help me?

  7. Enrico Piccini

    I tried at work with chrome and ff and it worked... I need to have a skype call with rob and share the screen

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