Related issues are working!

Issue #142 resolved
Robert Gerlach created an issue

I saw related issues are working now - awesome!

Is there a rule for displaying the related issues ?

If not, we couldmake it so that all issues that share the same topic - regardless of location - are displayed in the first step

Comments (2)

  1. André Palma

    Hi Robert.

    Yes. Those are essentially related with the content the user is currently seeing on the page. Its the same as youtube has when you see a video and there are the related videos on the side of the screen.

    We can tune the algorithm later to include the criteria we want to display related. At the moment it will take into account the title and the body of the text. But we can include other things like categories and tags as well.

    Everything can be done in there and its being backed by our search index. That feature took me a while to do but its working quite well.

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