Add topic categories

Issue #152 resolved
Former user created an issue

Our current topic categories (education, environment, health etc.) will need to be expanded at some point. Is this easily possible?

For example, can we add an 'Other' category, because certain issues (like campaign finance reform), which are right now super trendy, are in categories not included yet.

If it is very easy to change the categories, then I will make an improved list asap.

Comments (6)

  1. Enrico Piccini

    I remember we defined a list of categories... I think you sent us and email. For now I think we must use only those. In the future yes, we can expand the list from the cms and updating the front-end

  2. udemi repo owner

    Cool Andre. I just registred a non facebook account on - using

    Can you add this account to the admin site on test? currently I cannot log in with these credentials...

    If adding a category will be too difficult in the end, I will defenitely rename the 6 we have, because of new insights on what is important to people....

  3. André Palma

    I @Brotrob It should be done now. You should be able to enter the admin site now. Please NEVER rename categories :).

    Those are part of the MDM(Master data management) and should never be changed in any circumstance.

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