Sometimes Facebook Login button doesn't show

Issue #160 resolved
Enrico Piccini created an issue

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Comments (19)

  1. Enrico Piccini reporter

    @Brotrob Hey Rob, maybe I found a solution for this... can you try on Thanks

  2. udemi repo owner
    • changed status to open

    For IE its working for me, for my Chrome sometimes it still does not show. I suggest we solve it together next weekend when I show you my PC, or this week if there is time

  3. Enrico Piccini reporter

    Clear the cache in chrome and select "from the beginning"... I made some changes that maybe have solved the problem in the only device where I see it. The problem is that it's not a simple bug that I can reproduce watching the website on your pc :( Let me know @Brotrob

  4. Enrico Piccini reporter

    I checked this also in a pc of my colleague (mac) with chrome and safari without problems. I think this time maybe I solved it @Brotrob Can you clear the cache (checking "beginning of the time") and try one more time?

  5. udemi repo owner

    I cleared all cache and started Chrome again, but it still happens :( Lets solve it together via remote screen control as we did recently...

  6. Enrico Piccini reporter

    @Brotrob Ok, I think we can try but I suspect that your chrome has some problems :)

  7. Enrico Piccini reporter

    @Brotrob This time I think I've found a solution for the Facebook login button problem... Can you check it, please?

  8. Enrico Piccini reporter

    @Brotrob Oh sorry, I forgot to tell you to try on I don't still deploy this to test

  9. udemi repo owner

    Bad news everyone: I just went to get some feedback from a marketing expert, and when I wanted to register on his browser (Chrome) the Facebook buttons were not there - not even on Refresh.

    I think it might have something to do with the Ad Blocker. Its something we need to look into again I fear °_°

  10. Enrico Piccini reporter

    @Brotrob I made some tests and I reproduced it on Microsoft Edge for 1 time (after refresh I was able to see it). It's a fucking strange problem... I'll take a look. I don't think the problem is AdBlocker cause in chrome I'm using it without problem

  11. Enrico Piccini reporter

    I tried to reproduce the problem. I'm able only on IE or Edge. The steps are: empty the cache then refresh the page and only the first time, users will not see the facebook button. Now I need to understand why

  12. Enrico Piccini reporter

    Doing some debug I found the problem :D The facebook login buttons are not ready in some cases. I'll fix it this weekend

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