Number of issues shown in the List is only 10 - infinite scolling not working

Issue #170 resolved
udemi repo owner created an issue

In the Berlin area, there are 20+ issues, but the blog list only shows 10

Comments (6)

  1. Enrico Piccini

    @andrefsp You did something about this issue? I think it could be a front-end problem, maybe the infinite scrolling... but it's better if also you make a check on this

  2. Enrico Piccini

    @andrefsp I remember that on the stance list the pagination was every 10 items... Now I see 11 items returned and no pagination returned... Did you change somethings?

  3. Enrico Piccini

    I think we've the same problem for the list of comments? Did you increase the number of returned elements or we've a problem with the pagination?

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