Change sitel flow after Registration

Issue #180 resolved
udemi repo owner created an issue

Currently, after a user registered, he sees the home page. Can we change that to the following flow:

  1. User registred
  2. User Profile Edit Page
  3. User Profile
  4. Home Page

It would be what users expect and help us get more user data :)

Comments (22)

  1. Enrico Piccini

    We cannot prevent the user to navigate the site. I already thinked about this some times ago and opened a task on trello: my suggestion is after the registration to show a message to the user to invite him to complete his profile for a better use of Udemi. @Brotrob What do you think?

  2. David Marrs

    @enricosoft I imagine, if the username is returned after registering, we can call $location.path('/user/myusername') at the relevant points where closeModal(...) is called. The only issue would be having $location within scope in those particular areas of the code (inside udemi.js).

    I think I started working on this problem area ages ago on branch feature/ModalAngular, intending to have the Views updated by Angular rather than JQuery, but realised it was going to be a chunky bit of work, and maybe not the highest priority for a prototype. I see (looking at the commit on that branch anyway) that ng-click is already in place, so maybe it would just involve adding a callback containing a call to $location.path(...) inside the relevant Angular controllers, which is passed over to the functions in udemi.js

    Is it worth me picking up that refactoring again? It might take me a while in drips and drabs, but I'm happy to do it. I don't think it is something that we should hold up releasing the prototype for though. Also, we don't want to do it in a rush and risk breaking the facebook login code which is/recently was still being tweaked.

    Alternatively, a hackier faster way (for now) might be to set window.location.hash inside udemi.js.

  3. Enrico Piccini

    Hi @dwmarrs , don't consider "feature/ModalAngular" cause it's too old now. About the change I proposed to Rob, yeah, after the subscription we need to advice to the user to complete his profile with a modal similar to the "tour" one. If the answer is YES, we need to redirect the user to the "user profile edit" page (/user/edit)

    I don't think you need Mario for this, but if he have good advices, it's ok

  4. Enrico Piccini

    @dwmarrs Hi Dave, did you already started working on this? If not please wait cause maybe we need to change this flow again

  5. David Marrs

    Hi @enricosoft , yeah, I already started this. I think the main thing is to set up the callbacks in which $location.path can be called. After they're in place I think we'll be fine to either set a different path or open/close different modals etc.

  6. Enrico Piccini

    @dwmarrs I merged your code. And added some facebook test account on a comment on your last commit. The code is already deployed to so now you can test it. Pay attention because the changes affects the subscription\login so we need to test it carefully

  7. Enrico Piccini

    hi @dwmarrs , after the merge I have some problems with facebook login... did you find the time to test it?

    Update: I had some problems also after the standard subscription... for some reason I was redirected to 404

  8. David Marrs

    @enricosoft When I try to 'Sign Up' to Udemi with Facebook, after providing the login details for 'TestUser One' I get a message (in the Facebook pop-up) that 'User is not allowed to see the application.: The user is not allowed to see this application per the developer set configuration.' The login details must be ok, because if I go to in another tab then I can see I am logged in as 'TestUser One'.

    I have registered as an administrator of the udemi facebook app, and (I think) created a newer user 'Dick Amgi' and it is having the same problem.

    Is this the issue you're experiencing? Or is it because I am trying to connect from a Udemi running on http://localhost:8000/ ? Is the facebook app only set up to work with the app?

    Sorry, this is the first bit of development I've done with Facebook and I'm just extrapolating from some Vimeo API work I did recently :-)

  9. David Marrs

    @enricosoft Ok, I tried logging in on and yes, I now get further than I did on localhost and can see an error with my new JavaScript in the console. Grr... This might be tricky to fix (the scope of the callback is not as I expected)

  10. Enrico Piccini

    @dwmarrs Yes, maybe the fb test account I created are for and not localhost.... so check out the facebook signup error on dev to understand where is the problem

  11. Enrico Piccini

    Hi Dave, I'm out for work but you can deploy it through You will see a list of task and you need to launch the "udemi ui dev" (I don't remember the exact name). To login on you need credentials that you can find on our password online repository... Let me know if you need help


  12. David Marrs

    @enricosoft I've pushed another small fix up for the login modal (for logging in with facebook without setting a 'Remember Me' cookie). Can you deploy it please? When we're both on Skype you'll have to talk me through logging into Jenkins. Thanks.

    Everything else seems ok

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