Add Verified Icon and make it work with administration site

Issue #182 resolved
udemi repo owner created an issue

We need a system where we can manually tick a 'verified' box on the user administration site. This is for politicians, which we initially need to verify manually (phone call, Email exchange).

Once we have ticked that box in the administrator site, a 'verified' batch needs to appear in the user profile, as shown in the attached Image. If it is not too difficult, we could also show the 'verified' batch next to the user name in the issue/actions/policies list.

This feature is important to give politicians the feeling that their identities are protected.

Attached is also the Icon for the verified batch,

Comments (8)

  1. David Marrs

    @andrefsp Is this reflected in the badged_role property on user objects? What value is the property given if they're a verified user (is there somewhere in the Django admin backend I can test this on



  2. André Palma

    HI David. Yes. There is.

    I added recently a verified flag on the user. You can set anyone as verified on the administration panel by setting that checkbox.

  3. David Marrs

    @andrefsp I have added neccesary Angular and CSS code to the front end. Can you please add the verified property to the user object in each object returned from GET requests to the API methods /v1/issues/, /v1/policies/ & /v1/actions/ (for the 3 stance maps)?

    @udemi is it possible to ask Mario for a 28px x 28px version of the tick image, without the empty space at the sides (so a 28px diameter circle)? When I crop and scale down this large image it comes out jagged (I suck at GIMP), so at the moment the user is downloading an image about 100 times bigger than they actually need.



  4. Enrico Piccini

    @dwmarrs Hi Dave, about the icon I think you should use the bootstrap glyphicons and not an image... Check out this: <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok-sign"></i>

  5. David Marrs

    @enricosoft Well, I've already done the html & css etc. now. We can change it to a glyphicon in the next version/when we go responsive etc

    @andrefsp when do you think you'll have time to add the verified property to the user object for the stance maps? (see earlier comment) Thanks.

  6. David Marrs

    Assigning to André to add the verified property to the user object in each object returned from GET requests to the API methods /v1/issues/, /v1/policies/ & /v1/actions/ (for the 3 stance maps).

  7. David Marrs

    Looks like it's working on Would be good to roll this out to other areas in next version (probably at same time as swapping to glyphicon)

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