Blue circle in Hottest Topic box/Topics pie chart

Issue #185 resolved
David Marrs created an issue

I think we've discussed this before, but should the blue circles in the Hottest Topic box in the top left hand corner of the map, and in the middle of the Topics pie chart in the black box to the right of the map change colour to pink and green for the policies and actions maps? Or should it change colour to match the colour of the hottest topic? I'm guessing it should change to pink and green for policies and actions. But maybe it's not supposed to change at all :-)

You can assign this back to me when you've got the answer

Comments (3)

  1. David Marrs reporter

    I had to split the difference on the solution: the circle in the top left corner now matches the colour of the hottest topic, but the circle in the middle of the Topics pie chart has to match the blue/pink/green of issues/policies/action because the number in the middle of the pie chart is the total number of issues/policies/actions in the map area, not the total number just in the hottest topic.

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