Rename how the categories appear to the user (we can keep internal names)

Issue #192 on hold
udemi repo owner created an issue

I talked to a few people who did not quite understand what issues meant. So we should rename the main categories in the user interface as follows:

Issues --> Concerns

Policies --> Solutions

Actions --> (no change)

I hope this change is not too difficult...

Comments (10)

  1. David Marrs

    To be honest, I'm still not sure what Actions means compared to Policies. Does it mean taking Actions to get Policies/Solutions implemented? Actually, that kind of make sense now I write it down. I hope that's what it means!

  2. udemi reporter

    Thats what it means David :) But we might rename actions to Petitions actually...I will ask users

  3. Enrico Piccini

    Pay attention when do this David cause we use that label everywhere... change only the text label and not the variables, etc

  4. David Marrs

    I think this might take a while: from what I remember there is a lot of outputting of ${stance.type} etc in the html. Also, do we need to update urls, links etc for SEO?

  5. Enrico Piccini

    Yeah, this is dangerous and maybe requires a lot of changes... @Brotrob is this really necessary?

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