Small Change on Complete Profile Pop-Up

Issue #204 resolved
udemi repo owner created an issue

We need users to complete their profile, otherwise they do not show up in the user tab. Si we need to force them to. Therefore we should remove the 'x' on the Pop Up so that users who complete the tour are forced to complete their profile.

However, we ALSO need to make sure that any user who is logged in AND has already completed their profile is not being shown the complete profile welcome message anymore :)

Comments (35)

  1. David Marrs

    @udemi why not just direct them to the profile edit page and scrap the pop-up, as was happening?

  2. David Marrs

    @udemi I think, now that I've seen the pop-up in action, I understand what is required. I thought (from the screenshot) that it was displayed after the user had completed the sign-up form. But now I re-read the description of this issue I see we're talking about the end of the tour. I think the text in the pop-up needs to change to tell the user to sign up and complete their profile if they're not already logged in, tell them to complete their profile if they haven't and are logged in, and not display if they're logged in and have completed their profile

  3. Enrico Piccini

    @dwmarrs @Brotrob I think we must maintain the popup and simply remove the X (close button) and intercept the Esc key to prevent the popup closing

  4. David Marrs

    Ok, I found some things that were a bit confusing for me, and so I imagine will be confusing for a new user, so I've made the following changes on the develop branch:

    • Popup when a user visits the site for the very first time: changed the text 'Thank you for joining UDEMI!' to 'Welcome to UDEMI!' because it was confusing me that that message was displayed to users that hadn't signed in yet (i.e. they haven't had a chance to join before the message is even displayed!)
    • Added check for pop-up shown after user has taken tour, so that it asks them to sign up if they aren't logged in, and to complete their profile if they are. Note, this could do with more logic to check if the logged in user has completed their profile, or added their first issue.
    • Removed the pop-up which is shown when they close the first time 'Welcome...' pop-up, asking the user to complete their profile (they won't be logged in at this point), and I didn't swap it for a modal asking them to sign up because I think that'll just be annoying if they've decided to close the tour (i.e. they think they can work it out for themselves).
  5. David Marrs

    I've now removed the close button/ability to click the background to close for the modals asking user to sign up/complete their profile, and reinstated the redirects to the profile edit page after a user has first signed up.

    @udemi Do we need to spend time adding checks for whether the user has completed their profile or added a first issue before showing the modal? Or is it unlikely they'll take the tour if they've done that? If we don't can you mark this ticket as resolved please? Thanks

  6. udemi reporter

    Hi David,

    maybe you were confused because you have not gotting our landing page (, which any user who is not signed up yet sees first. In any case, t should be like this:

    Szenario 1: 99% of all users. User has just signed up via the landing page (created an account), coming from our new landing page:

    Right after user created the account, he should automatically see

    • the 'Thank you for joining UDEMI!' popup
    • then the guided tour (forced to go through it)
    • then he sees the pup up to complete a profile

    This Szenario should be the most useful one, as it happens to all users.

    Szenario 2: Somehow (I do not know how this is possible) the user sees UDEMI without seeing the landing page first, and without having signed up:

    If he is using Udemi the first time, and not signed up,

    • the "Welcome to UDEMI" popup
    • then the guided tour (forced to go through it)
    • then he sees the pup up to complete a profile
  7. Enrico Piccini

    @dwmarrs @Brotrob Hey Dave, I think it was good as I implemented it... I think you should only re-implement the old code... If you have some questions, write me here or on skype, I'll answer immediately

  8. David Marrs

    Ok, i don't know if it's possible to skip the welcome page, but it is possible to skip from the welcome page to the issues map without signing up. Therefore I guess i was dealing with scenario 2. I will look at tweaking both scenarios this evening. Thanks for the advice

  9. David Marrs

    Right, I've removed some of my changes, and brought back some of Enrico's code, but now with some checks for whether a user is logged in or not.

    The only remaining problems are that

    1. I can't quite get it to say 'Thank you for joining UDEMI!' instead of "Welcome to UDEMI" if the user is logged in. There seems to be an issue with UDEMI_ROOT_SCOPE.user being ready in time, unless i add a breakpoint in Chrome dev tools. This is only a minor issue, because the Welcome text still makes sense in context.

    2. As I mentioned further up, do we need to spend time adding checks for whether the user has completed their profile or added a first issue before showing the modal?

    Otherwise, if those 2 points aren't a problem, can we close this issue now?

  10. udemi reporter

    There seems to be at least one issue with the whole flow still: If I am a signed in user and am on the home page, and select the tour (maybe because I just want to do it again), the tour ends with the 'Complete your profile' pop up. However, if I then force-click on the complete profile button, the signup modal pops up. We need to change the following:

    • When a user has completed his profile, the tour should end after the last of the tour bubbles is finished
    • When a user clicks on the 'complete profile' button, he should be directed to the profile completion page
  11. David Marrs

    RE: 'If I am a signed in user and am on the home page, and select the tour (maybe because I just want to do it again), the tour ends with the 'Complete your profile' pop up. However, if I then force-click on the complete profile button, the signup modal pops up.', I'm not experiencing this. I get taken to the edit profile page when I click the button. What browser are you using @udemi ?

  12. David Marrs

    Ok, just to double check, the 'After saving profile first time, user is directed to home...' is a new piece of work to add? (It's not in the system already @enricosoft @udemi ?)

  13. David Marrs

    I'm going to assume that the check for whether a profile is completed should just cover the mandatory fields on the edit profile page, not all fields.

    And if I understand the flow chart correctly, I need to remove the use of the udemi_welcome cookie (which is set once any user of the browser logs in or signs up the first time) and replace the checks on its existence for checks on the cookie(s) that keep a user logged in (unless I need such a udemi_welcome cookie to prevent an infinite redirect loop or something like that?)

  14. Enrico Piccini

    URGENT for the launch: on my local machine if I'm on /welcome and then "login" (not subscribe, but login), I'm not redirect to homepage @dwmarrs Can you fix it, please?

  15. David Marrs

    hi @enricosoft yeah, I thought of that when I was heading out of the door on Friday: wasn't expecting you to have merged that pull request already! :-)

    Gonna add a redirect from /welcome shortly

  16. David Marrs

    I have added some more callbacks to be able to check and change location from inside the Angular controllers. (pushed to the develop branch)

  17. David Marrs

    Added checks for profile being completed and first issue being raised and pushed to develop branch.

  18. David Marrs
    • changed status to open

    @udemi @enricosoft

    Guys, what's going on with this feature? I've sniffed out and patched up several edge cases relating to it, and started implementing the requested flow chart (which only increases the complexity further) - pushing changes to the develop branch yesterday which still made sense if they went live standing alone (rather than leaving on a feature branch) - only to see a lot of my changes removed this evening when I come back to add the last 'After saving profile first time, user is directed to home page...' bit, implementing a second flow chart.

    Are you sure this is what you want and it covers all the situations users might hit? Because I think I can spot some missing bits in the code.

  19. Enrico Piccini

    @dwmarrs I think this flow is ok for this prototype... Right now we've problem on Facebook login... I'm opening an urgent issue

  20. David Marrs
    • changed status to open

    After discussion with Rob and Enrico, agreed to revert Enrico's reversions of my changes on a new feature branch, and merge in to develop when tested & ready.

  21. udemi reporter

    Hey @enricosoft (and @dwmarrs)

    I just got this feedback from a friend:

    • After I register the website still thinks I'm not logged in and takes me to inviting me to join while my face and name are clearly visible in the upper right

    So can we check whether there might still be a bug going on here?


  22. David Marrs

    There are changes to be reapplied on the branch feature/WelcomeTourReinstatement, some of which involves removal of the welcome cookie. So that might fix this. Needs testing though (that's why it hasn't been merged back in yet)

  23. David Marrs

    I merged this work into the develop branch last night to prevent everyone (humans and bots/spiders) being redirected to the /welcome page when following an external link to say an issue, policy, action, user profile etc.

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