Facebook init: infinite loop

Issue #209 resolved
Enrico Piccini created an issue

Hi Dave, did you change the facebook initialization code? Because if you watch the browser console you can see an infinite loop.

Can you take a look?

Comments (1)

  1. David Marrs

    @enricosoft I think I've worked it out: the problem was because now there is only one facebook login button provided by facebook themselves (on the Login modal). The other login button for facebook (on the signup modal) is created by us, and as such doesn't have a class of .fb-login-button. So the check that there are two items with a class of .fb-login-button kept failing, resulting in an infinite loop. See commit at https://bitbucket.org/udemi/udemi-ui/commits/6d1155419f8270a8caed8cbc8ee810f2bceb5db7 where I make it check for just one instance.

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